joranmarijsse   architecture    ...

             Creating special environments with positive impact for
             people and nature starting from inside out experiences


joranmarijsse     architecture    
president rooseveltplein 17 / 31
B - 8500  Kortrijk             Belgium

info   [  at  ]    joranmarijsse   .  be
+32 498 729 166      fb   insta   in

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VIBE bouwpartner ecologisch bouwen regeneratief joranmarijsse architecture architect Kortrijk


Experiential and future-proof building requires thoughtful, adaptable design and material choices.
Design is an ongoing and demand-driven process between users and builders of serviceable and generous spaces with the aim of creating harmonious coexistence for people and nature, climate and culture, ...
In the interplay of structure and sensory infills, environmental experiences can connect emotionally at the scale of the user, the object, the furniture, the place, the building, the city and the landscape through time.  "

What you get

v    Future oriented perspective   ...

Future proof

/ Building for the future means building architecture that is friendly to people and nature. Using a sustainable overall concept that starts with certain design and material choices and allows the necessary spatial flexibility and infill in the short and long term.


/ Different perspectives can colour the perception into a special plan. Inclusive principles _ of lifelong living, integral accessibility, function changes ... _ offer hereby an extra dimension to allow a project to grow with their users.

v    In-depth questioning and advice   ...
In-depth questioning

/ When looking for a project -building, -land: location; feasibility study; renovation potential; energy audit; sale-lease models; growth, adaptation and future potential...

/ On various themes of sustainable construction: management, mobility, water, land use, materials and waste, energy, health and comfort, social value and innovation...

v    Experiential design   ...
Top notch design

/ Design is not a knitting together of ideas and different layouts. Architecture and interiors are designed from the inside out, together to create conscious spatial experiences. In one coherent design, relationships are strengthened from: the existing context, the character and desired living patterns of the future users...

v    Top notch follow-up and relief   ...

/ Each project is built twice. On the basis of a smart three-dimensional model (B.I.M. aka. Building Information Modelling), the project is first completely designed, visualised and technically tested as a last rehearsal for the grand finale in execution. Connections, construction nodes are clear before tendering and execution which facilitates communication and exchange of information with contractors and reduces errors on site.

Concept monitoring

/ Meticulous site monitoring and control ensures that the concept is maintained from inception to completion.


/ Your concerns are our concerns. There is a single point of communication, the project manager. You receive solutions, various options and are unburdened.

What you don't get

x    Fast fashion  ...
Custom-made architecture & interiordesign

/ The context (or environment) in the broadest sense of the word helps to determine the qualities and possibilities of each project. The site together with the client play an important role, so no ready-made architecture tied to one particular trend or zeitgeist is offered. Just the search for the desired experience, patterns, flexibilities and qualities cannot be a fast fashion, but an integer collaborative process to arrive at a sensory and emotive project that conveys respect for what exists and seeks to establish a sustainable relationship with the future.


joranmarijsse architecture is an architectural office for experiential and future-proof environments : architecture, interior and landscape. Originating from an interest in how people- and nature-friendly environments can have a positive influence on our daily well-being, we focus on sustainable and flexible (re)construction. We pay attention to experience, health, nature, detailling, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users /

New construction, renovation, interior design, master planning, design research, project development, real estate consultancy ... every assignment, is received with the utmost care within a sustainable concept. Looking to the future is hereby essential /

For proper empathy, we first conduct an in-depth research into the wish list, space usage, living patterns and experiences, the neighbouring environment the socio-cultural context, the budget, the technicality, the look and feel,... /

Using scenarios, together we can develop a shared vision, improve the existing or design new strategies. Each time, we try to be creative with available budgets and opportunities to get the most out of each project. We weigh up different materials, devise possible phases and discuss the various implementation options at an early stage /

During the design process, a master plan is developed systematically and with the help of some powerful visualisations. This master plan allows for close monitoring and adjustment of the project at all times. As a result, we offer more than an answer to an actual (and temporary?) programme and also avoid half-work, lock-in situations and double costs afterwards /

How well a space is tailored to people's needs, thereby influencing the quality of staying and functioning in a space. That is why design happens from the inside. Based on end-users' experiences, we give the spaces their functionality and architectural quality. Following the inclusion principle, we want to enable a surprising experience for everyone /

The form always aims for simplicity and flexibility for a sustainable use of materials and space. This is tested with the different usage scenarios throughout the intended life of the building and its surroundings. The circular process of 'research - scenario - master plan - design' is hereby and creatively contemplative. /

Our clients and their environment have a unique character and are given a personalised perspective. All facets are sublimated with new inputs from the project architect and selected building partners. By cooperating intensively from the outset, we aim for an emergent quality that allows each project to exceed the set expectations /


joranmarijsse architecture architect Kortrijk architecture interior design Joran Marijsse

Joran Marijsse
°1988 / Kortrijk / 2013 / Civil Engineer–Architect, Catholic University Leuven / 2013 / Internship VK architects & engineers, Roeselare/ 2015 / Internship Devolderarchitecten, Kortrijk / 2015 / Project-architect Devolderarchitecten, Kortrijk / 2018 - / joranmarijsse architecture / 2020 - / expert GECORO & advisory board mobility Kortrijk / 2022 - / VIBE* design partner / 2024 - / Green Deal Climate proof environment /

"Spacious terraced house with natural materials" article about residence lapk, De Energiebijbel - Chapter 2: Energy-efficient construction and renovation p.42-47, 2023, boek, athomepublishers & Lannoo.  ...   /
" 13 - residence lapk, nr.13, p.28-29, 2023, magazine, Wienerberger.  ...   /
"Belgian Building Awards 2022 category sustainability - residence lapk, Belgian Building Awards 2022, website, article.  ...   /
"Modern Kortrijk row house realised with Systimber", Systimber, 2022, website, interview / artikel.  ...   /
"Honorable mention house lapk Architecture Prize Kortrijk 2022", VAI (Flemish Architecture Institute), 2022, website, article.  ...   /
"Office for future-oriented architecture", VIBE*, 2022, website, article.  ...  /
"Eight striking homes stand a chance to win Kortrijk architecture prize", HLN, 2022, website, article.  ...  /
"Timelapse construction residence lapk", Joran Marijsse, 2021, Kortrijk, Video.  ...   /
"Narrative speaking, brings the listened in mind. A self-reflective study when whisper interpreting for visually impaired visitors at a film festival in Leuven", Joran Marijsse, Leuven, 2014, Paper.  ...   /
"Dialogue between people and architecture, inclusive design", Joran Marijsse, KU Leuven, 2013, Paper.  ...  /
"Healing relations in a network: an architectural analysis of the experiences of visitors in Maggie's London", Joran Marijsse, KU Leuven, 2013, Master thesis.   ...  /

2022   Belgian Construction Awards - Nomination residence lapk ...   /
2022   Architecture prize Kortrijk - Honourable mention and nomination residence lapk ...   /


Ecobouwers - Sustainable building and renovation
Meegroeiwonen - Resilient and adapted housing
Nature-inclusive building
VIBE* - Network for regenerative design and construction in Flanders
Vision inclusion - Towards an inclusive society
Maggie's Centres - architecture as healing environments
Atelier Circulair - Circular and change-oriented design within the architecture office
Mobiscore - Accessibility key facilities on foot or by bike from your (future) neighbourhood
Research - Post-calculation of architect services


Supervisory authority joranmarijsse architecture:
Order of Architects - Flemish Council West Flanders
Code of practice:
Appeals Rules of 16 December 1983

(c) 2024

w  i  k  o

Rebuilding single-family house Koolskamp / architecture & interior / design 2024 /

Framed by two twisted barn typologies, the home is rooted as the heart of the landscape / A promenade through the living spaces reveals ever-changing views of the surroundings: grazing cows, active farm fields, vistas and perspectives - designed on the rhythm of the sun / The asymmetrical roofs create a gently fitting undulation where each room together with its surroundings can create a sense of surprise, tranquillity and relaxation /

joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'

l  a  p  k

Rebuilding of house for rent Kortrijk / architecture & interior / 2021 / Architecture prize Kortrijk 2022 / Belgian Construction Awards 2022

Rebuilding a terraced house into a climate-adaptive BEN house facing south / Nature in the city is conceived for (neighbourhood) residents and local fauna-flora. The front vertical garden provides a pleasant buffer for heat in winter, coolness in summer, muffling street noise, privacy and a pleasant view of greenery. / Behind a glass curtain wall, the living space is elevated into an open living theatre. The created stage provides space for changing house plays on top of a storage space. /

Photo's: Yannick Milpas & Joran Marijsse /
Video's: Design Walkthrough / Construction Timelapse /

Materials: prefab woodblock construction, PEFC wood, triple glass, EPS insulation plates and pearls, recuperation tiles, sanitary,... painted MDF /
Techniques: heat pump, floor heating, demand-driven ventilation C+, solar panels /

Belgian Construction Awards 2022 joranmarijsse architecture       Architecture prize 2022 Kortrijk joranmarijsse architecture
joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'

b  e  v  a

Renovation of a dwelling Bellegem / architecture and interior / 2022 /

A well-maintained detached house in a ditto pronounced green setting is challenged. Can a small back-office activity be provided and residential comfort reimagined for a next-generation builder? / A central rotated volume grafted onto the existing L-shaped typology condenses the impact of the conversion: a new entrance, richer relationships between the living spaces, garden and the present swimming pond. /

Materials: brickwork, PEFC exterior carpentry, PEFC façade cladding, rural concrete, brushed stainless steel, natural stone, wooden trusses, stretch- and plasterboard ceiling /
Techniques: heat pump, floor heating, demand-driven ventilation system D with heat recuperation, solar panels /

joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'

r  o  u  k

Rebuild housing quartet for rent Kortrijk / project development, architecture & interior / design 2024 /

joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'

v  a  s  d

Renovation of a house into a multifunctional building Zwevegem / architecture & interior / design 2022 /

The existing house with coteries does not meet contemporary standards and is technically too far into disrepair for demolition to be necessary./ The hereafter pitted space will be compacted with a new multifunctional residential building with a corner off. Spacious flats with private garden and terraces get their communal functions openly organised in an outdoor foyer. The designed patio provides more light, air and contact with greenery where taking the stairs provides opportunities for fun encounters./ Techniques are concentrated and spans maximised so that the building can absorb different uses in the future. Within the village agglomeration, the infill seeks to connect with its neighbours, the height difference on the site and the views to the landscape behind the houses /

Materials: hybrid structure of rural concrete and cross layer wood (CLT), aluminium exterior joinery, PEFC façade cladding, veneer, ceramic tiles, stretched ceiling /
Techniques: heat pump, floor heating, demand-driven ventilation system D with heat recuperation, solar panels /

joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'

l  i  r  a

Major energy renovation of a three-fronted house Aalbeke / architecture & interior / 2022 /

Total renovation of semi-open row house to a BEN house according to the principle of lifelong living. / The outbuildings are demolished and the entrance is relocated so that the living spaces can optimally enjoy light and views. The surrounding landscape is drawn into the house via well-chosen lines of sight and privacy is provided by claustra. / The entire ground floor is wheelchair accessible and the open floor can be arranged flexibly. / Already at the outset, the position of a later swimming pool is taken into account in function of facilities techniques and integration into the garden / By using white alternating brick dressings to match the masonry details of the neighbours, the house forms an attractive end of the row. /

Materials: insulating cellular concrete blocks, FSC wood for roof and visible grid, thermowood façade cladding, polished concrete, plasterboard ceiling, possibility adding stretched ceiling under visible wooden grid structure /
Techniques: condensing gas boiler, floor heating, demand-driven ventilation system D with heat recuperation, solar panels /

joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'

v  e  s  t

Refurbishment of living spaces and bedroom Stasegem / interior / design 2024 /

A new interior with a great holiday feel on a central plinth. The living room makes room for plenty of light and the cabinets delineate sober warm volumes that support several of the family's hobbies, including a passion for film and music /
The well-chosen materials of the cabinet fronts strike a balance between existing and new natural materials that will shape the acoustics of the living room in addition to an aesthetic composition of uses and ergonomics. The previously confined feeling is broken by creating a unity and blurring contours with a personal colour palette /
A miniature city as a treasured family heirloom is given a prominent place, visible from all living spaces /

Materials: Cork, thick veneer, jute, slates, hammered steel and loose furniture /
Techniques: Reuse of existing fireplace and floor heating /

joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'

g  a  a  v

Major energy renovation of a garden house Avelgem / architecture & interior / 2023 /

A modern garden house from the sixties of last century gets an upgrade to shine back like before. A master plan will seek a balance in preserving authentic character and optimising overall environmental impact /
The external envelope will be biobased insulated and the techniques replaced through the crawlspace /

Materials: lime plaster, hemp insulation boards, PEFC timber, rural concrete, bamboo parquet, thick veneer, vintage lighting and loose furniture /
Techniques: condensing gas boiler, floor heating, demand-driven ventilation system D with heat recuperation, solar panels /

joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'

v  a  i  s

Master bedroom and bathroom Sint-Denijs / Interior / design 2023 /

Clearing the attic reveals a valuable treasure: space, height, characterful rafters, old brickwork and beautiful views. A suite bedroom and bathroom is created on one half of the roof /
The spaces are given their full height to the ridge and are separated by walls with human-sized cabinet volumes. Here, the height below the lower truss leg defines the intimate scale /
The choice of a warm, natural and directionless cork floor links the spaces into one suite. If desired, the rooms can be closed off separately with sliding doors that blend with the cabinet volumes. By keeping the walls very sober, the natural materials and authentic elements present come into their own in the interior /
The positioning of the bed and shower draw views in through the interior and exterior windows, the well-chosen mirrors have a connecting and widening effect /

Materials: cork, stained quarter timber, exposed masonry façade in boerkes, original wooden rafters /
Techniques: heat pump, air climatisation /

joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'

d  e  k  o

Total renovation of interbellum house Kortrijk / architecture & interior / design 2024 /

joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'

r  i  m  p  e  l  i  n  g 

Tailoring shop for farewell and loss Kortrijk / concept and interior design / 2023 /

Remembering a loss has an (in-)direct effect on the environment as a result of an event. Ripple bestows a biophilic interior in the heart of the city / Through contact with water and greenery, a warm colour scheme and natural materials, you are invited into a farewell garden. A walk in the park allows visitors to connect, let go and meet / Purchased gifts can be ritually left or taken from an intimate cocoon by the water, an onument as a place for a lasting memory /

Materials: Cork, spray cellulose, loam plaster, PEFC wood, ferns /
Techniques: Recuperation existing air climatisation, LED lighting /

joranmarijsse architecture serene farewell grief shop interior design ontroerd rimpeling farewell garden comfort attention biophillic design '

n  i  k  o

Masterplan park (-dwellings) site 'De Kien' in Kortrijk / Urbanism 2022 / Info - 4e generation heat grids pilot projects Kortrijk /

A park will be created for the neighbourhood, taking into account, in a preliminary phase, already an underground car park, an infrastructure for collective energy management and future building volumes /
Trees grow, anchor, and form meeting places. Traffic and heat stress in the neighbourhood are defused and local fauna and flora are revitalised. The park makes continuity between the Buda city park at the tip of Reepkaai and the Fluvius site. It is a peaceful green oasis next to the Lys and the Texture museum /
The future implantation of building volumes enhances the surrounding diversity. The terraced houses close off the existing building blocks next to an avenue to the museum with several passages and views to the park. The proximity of the scattered volumes to the street, the park and to each other provide interesting in-between spaces that play with public, private and collective. The programme of studios, retail, sharepoints and crafts on the ground floor are low-key and connect in these margins. The upper floors have ground-level spaces that can be flexibly filled in to residential-work uses /

Materials: Trees, concrete substructure parking, superstructure CLT, PEFC cladding, natural and wholesome materials... /
Techniques: Connection to heat grid, solar panels, leach field,... /

joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'

a  p  r  a

Renovation Aalbeke / architecture & interior / phase 1 constructed 2018 /

Renovation of a rear building with staged master plan for a systematic approach to the rest of the row house / After demolition of the aging coteries, the cleared space between two high dividing walls is reimagined / An independent steel skeleton offers the possibility of providing a double-height space with a flexible mezzanine / The kink of the plot provides the opportunity for two twisted volumes one above the other. A large living space with kitchen and storage areas opens up and gives the front extension a relationship with the garden / The boundary between inside and outside is blurred by the large windows, the use of materials, the visual lines, the continuous levels and the greening of the dividing walls /

Materials: PEFC cladding, ceramic tiles /
Techniques: condensing gas boiler, floor heating, demand-driven ventilation C, solar panels /

joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'

n  o  r  a

Renovation Aalbeke / architecture, interior & landscape / design 2021 /

Respecting the existing, protected art-deco civic dwelling , the in poor condition and later added coteries will be removed. The generous paving is cut back and the landscape is reimagined along with the architectural and interior design of the new winter garden / Lots of glass and well-defined lines form a simple volume that can disappear into its surroundings, but can just as easily enhance the existing assets on the site as a tuneful organ point. Slender columns, organic lines in the grass and lowered hedges draw views in. The sitting window in the stamped earth wall perfectly matches the warm wooden cabinets in the interior /

Materials: FSC wood, insulation recycled glass foam granules, stamped clay, ceramic tiles, plywood varnished /
Techniques: demountable construction: screw piles, bolted steel structure, condensing gas boiler, radiators, ventilation C /

joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'

l  a  n  k

Renovation Kuurne / architecture & interior / feasibility study & design 2020 /

With setting out the urban planning chalk lines on the plot and revisiting the zoning of the spaces according to the orientation of the sun and the use programmes over time, this couple's house will have a future-proof plan / An open structure with concentrated storage areas increase the sense of space in the house and could eventually be rearranged with the possibility of creating an adapted bedroom and bathroom on the ground floor /

joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'

w  i  k  o     sce. i

Rebuilding single-family house Koolskamp / architecture & interior / feasibility study & design 2024 /

Thoughtful use of materials and space give a generosity to lifelong living / A controlled wild garden offers privacy and draws the spaces inside rooms open up naturally /

joranmarijsse architecture - 'Experiential and future-proof architecture & interiors / Sustainable and flexible (re-)design through a shared vision built together / Attention to experience, use of materials and space from the perspective of the end users / Always an intense collaboration and personal approach for a project tailored to the client's needs /'